You’ve heard the quotes. The minute you set your will to pursue your calling or some higher realm endeavor—art, a business venture, guitar lessons—Heaven comes to your aid.

Doors mysteriously open.

Synchronicity happens. The missing piece you need shows up.

Hogwash.  I haven’t found that to be true. At least not as true as this:

The minute I step out to pursue my calling, disaster hits.

A year ago I began the process of leaving my long-term career as an executive recruiter to be a Life Coach. I wanted to work with people to help them identify their gifts and calling and use them. Not waste their one precious life. Go for doing what they are here to do.

And do it myself.


A major infestation of bugs hit my apartment. I ultimately had to move out.

A new friend turned scary. Started accusing me of stealing and lying and other weird stuff. I cut off the relationship but watched my back for months. I expected her to jump out of the shadows with a gun any second. She was the type.

My parents tumbled into ill health.  I jumped in to try to break their fall.

Still, I inched forward. Launched a website. Found this writing gig on Beliefnet. Began updating the content of my class, “Find your purpose—now.”

Then another disaster. My car was crunched by a hit and run driver. The damage is more than the car is worth. But now is not the time to get a new car.

I sat in the front passenger seat and questioned God:


Why now?

Am I on the wrong path?

Are You really there? Seeing this? Truly involved?

God, are you really FOR me?

 I knew I was accusing God as much as asking Him.  But I had to get it out.

Then I returned to my coaching path.

A friend of a friend requested a meeting to evaluate my class for her group. I’m going to the meeting, but I’m going a changed person:

1. Resisting the urge to play the victim and be sidelined or give up altogether has made me stronger. Clearer. But humbler.

2. I realize at a deeper level that I can’t control anything: my life—her decision—anything. Somehow, that realization has made me lighter, freer.

3. My new path has a journey of its own. Obstacles will appear. Danger lurks. Hard-wrought victories will come. I plot and plan but God leads.

4. I’m more open to possibilities not on my drawing board.

That frickin’ mangled front end reminds me: anything can happen.

 Including good.

I’m all in.

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photo credit: netmonkey (creative commons)

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Gloria Rose, Life Coach






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