It was the worst time to fall apart. The final semester of my senior year in college was for completing projects and planning my future. Instead, I was depressed. Hardly able to get out of bed. Skipping classes. Doing the bare minimum, if that. The reason was my boyfriend—EX-boyfriend. Our break-up seemed right at the…

To myself: You’re unproductive. You’re too emotional. Insecure. Scaredy-cat. Just push ahead, stupid! Look at Joe (or Susan). He gets after it every day. Steady outcomes. Can’t you be more like that? Just do it. Your work doesn’t really matter. You’re too serious. Give it up. Go find a good time. Chill. You’ll never get…

Today these words infuse new life into me. I share them with you with the hope they will encourage you too. “In our faithful listening to God’s Word, we often neglect his first word to us–the gift of ourselves to ourselves: our existence, our temperament, our personal history, our uniqueness, our flaws and foibles, our…

Your gift is an insight wrapped in talent and shared with others. “But who are my others?” you ask. “I’ve tried giving my gift. No one wants it.” Perhaps your gift is mediating conflict. Your insight into human personalities and communication styles gives you the ability to bring people together who seem very far apart.…

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