Perhaps you thought when you grew up you’d inherit your father’s business. Carrying on the family legacy would be your contribution to bettering the world. But it didn’t happen. Maybe you planned to be a wife and mom with a bunch of kids and you would fulfill your purpose by having a wonderful family. It…

When it comes to being real and giving the Gift we’re here to give, there are two tactics that don’t work—and two that do. 1. Shame.  It doesn’t work. Growing up, shame was the tool of choice for adults—parents, teachers, and clergy— who wanted something from someone, especially those beneath them. Not surprisingly, I learned…

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. — Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Computer …when I get to heaven, God won’t ask me ‘Why weren’t you more like Moses?’ or ‘Why weren’t you more like King David?’ God will ask, ‘Zusha, why weren’t you more like Zusha?’ — Zusha, Rabbi In…

You’ve heard the quotes. The minute you set your will to pursue your calling or some higher realm endeavor—art, a business venture, guitar lessons—Heaven comes to your aid. Doors mysteriously open. Synchronicity happens. The missing piece you need shows up. Hogwash.  I haven’t found that to be true. At least not as true as this:…

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