My elderly father succumbed to a stroke. Then bed bugs arrived in the house I just completed decorating. The creepy, blood-sucking insects infested again and again. Thirdly, a new friend turned postal…frightening me with her behavior.My world teetered dangerously out of control. In the midst of chaos on multiple fronts, I faced realities I’d successfully…

You’ve heard the quotes. The minute you set your will to pursue your calling or some higher realm endeavor—art, a business venture, guitar lessons—Heaven comes to your aid. Doors mysteriously open. Synchronicity happens. The missing piece you need shows up. Hogwash.  I haven’t found that to be true. At least not as true as this:…

I thought life would get easier. More under control. Finally the time would come when I could freely and happily do what was most important—give back to God by giving my Gift. But it didn’t happen—the part about life getting easier or more under control. No matter what I do, there are always unexpected events,…

It is morning. A new day, a fresh start. But the thoughts swirling in my mind are grey: I’m stuck. My new ideas are all used up. I’m a failure. How does he/she do it? How does he keep coming up with great stuff? Life sucks.  I’ve fallen into a black hole of: I must…

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