While I was meditating today, the word enthusiasm came to me and I began to think about what makes me feel enthusiastic about  about in my own personal life.

I suppose it doesn’t even have to be an activity or hobby. It could a situation or a goal that might have for yourself and you are seeing yourself making your goal… It’s definitely a feeling of satisfaction, and can’t help but  feel very enthusiastic in their life.

So when finished with reading this message, rate yourself  from 1 to 10  of how enthusiastic  you are at this time with your life and that it brings to you …

I asked the angels for their thoughts on enthusiasm and what they want to share with us on this.

“Enthusiasm is an inside job. A feeling that is of pure joy and begins from within yourself. And then the enthusiasm shines outside of you through your words and through your body language too. We ask you to be mindful of this enthusiasm or passion that you feel.. Try to work toward the goal of being enthusiastic in your job, in your relationships, in your hobbies and all other aspects in your life. When you are enthusiastic about your life and all that you are doing, then you will find life to be exciting, and to be an adventure at all times. During your meditation today, we ask you to consider what aspects in your life are you enthusiastic about. And if there is something you are not enthusiastic about, what can you do to make a change? We your angels, are always willing to show you at any time, changes you might want to make. Watch how your day unfolds or even your week.”


Your Angels

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