I have been thinking about empowerment and have asked the angels about what they think of empowerment too. For me empowerment means having the confidence to go forward in action, or is communication of something that truly speaks to me, and I choose to act on in one way or another. And also empowerment helps to fuel the action or word to whomever maybe in my life, at the time.  Empowerment means to not fearing one’s own power in expression of self and who they are as a person.

So many times we are afraid to express who we are or who we want to be. The angels always encourage us to express our truth and to be of integrity when we are feeling this empowerment.

And so for the today the angels want to share this message to you regarding empowerment.

“Good Morning,

We your angels, want to help you to live the truth of who you truly are, as not only a person but as someone who is a spiritual being too. We want to help you to step in the role you want to take regarding of what you are remembering concerning that. We ask you to be at peace with you are, and to go forward with the goals you may have at this time. The feeling of empowerment, will help you this goal. In releasing what you no longer need to live your life in integrity, of who you ultimately are. We ask you to take your time and to work slowly, towards this goal. Also to be mindful of others in your lives who may not totally understand the changes you will be making. And dear children, please don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance in helping you to feel all is well and that we are there with you too, helping you to make the steps towards personal empowerment at all time.”

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday morning.

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