Happy Friday

Can you believe it is the end of our summer time? A time of being on vacations with family and friends. And a time to just have more opportunities for some r and r, or have had that time off for the summer months, because of school or work.

And now that summer has come to an end, there will be new beginning for many at the same time. There will be children of all ages beginning school for the first time or children entering a new school or grade, meeting new people. Beginning college or preschool, it is exciting and can be scary. Same with those beginning new jobs as their first job out of college or a technical school. There is lots of excitement in the air and also anticipation too. We all remember our first day of school when we were entering kindergarten or middle school or high school or college too.

As a former teacher of children and also a student, I can remember how this time of the year has always been a time of new beginnings for myself in so many ways. There were new clothes, new shoes, new friends, and new teachers. In my job as a teacher, it was a time of preparing new lessons, and meeting new students and meeting new teachers, and new .supervisors, too. There was definitely a feeling of excitement and anticipation for all.

And so I asked the angels tonight, what they would like to share about this time of the year and the new beginnings and new opportunities for so many.


Dear Children,

“Congratulations to all who have new opportunities of learning and working, using your skills to help many. Or to be entering a learning program, no matter how old you are. So many opportunities await all of you. We ask you to have the belief of complete success and to know you can ask questions so that you have the clarity you need be successful in job of education.

Also to know that you can your angels at any time for guidance and clarity also. At any time, you need to do so. We love you always.”

We all have beginnings and endings in our lives and with positive intent.. of your hopes and dreams.. you will never know the possibilities until we embrace them, with full participation and enjoyment.


Archangel Michael

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Gabriel


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