There are days that we live in total exasperation. Has anyone had that happen to them?  Today is one of those days.   I am counting to 10 about 10 times, and asking for my angels to help me see where this exasperation is coming from.  And I see that it’s mostly from myself, but also how others are responding, or how I am interpreting, how they are responding towards me.  We can be so sensitive and we can change our moods really quickly. The important thing my angels remind me of and this has been spoken of many times, is keep to ourselves grounded and not take things too personally. Mainly because we can become very overwhelmed. So the angels say that is when we need to take the time for ourselves, and try to understand the scenario of all that is occurring.

And the angels remind us, that we need to do what serves us in the long run.  Also they suggest that when you are over booked and over worked and just tired, doing nothing .might be an option, so that you can regroup.

Today is Friday.    The angels remind us to do something fun this weekend with  family or friends, such as going to an apple orchard and picking some apples, maybe picking up a pumpkin or two while you are there too.  Walking out in nature can do more than an over the counter remedy.  The angels suggest to just have fun, anyway you are able to. Weekends are for fun….SMILE!!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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