September 28, 2015

Monday Morning message: The   Angels wish us Peace

Today, the air is a bit crisp, yet the sun is out and feels warm on my shoulders.   Also I am seeing a lot more people outside today, and lots of smiles. There seems to be in the air, a feeling of anticipation, and thinking this has to do with what is going on energy wise, with all that has been happening of late, i.e. the mercury retrograde, and phase that the moon is in now. You are feeling the intense energy, energy we haven’t felt in a long time.  I have been hearing this is a good time to let go of what no longer serves you, as with all retrogrades.  And so I asked the angels, what we can do to help each other, to get through this crazy time that we are all experiencing, and may not even realize this is what is happening.

As a collective they shared a few ideas. They may be ideas you have heard or know, and may need to be paid a little bit more, over the next few days.

Archangel Michael is speaking for the collective of angels.


“Be kind and be patient, dear friends, with yourself and with others, who are also in your life.  Being patient with those that come in to your life in passing, such as when you are on a train, the grocery store, or just walking or driving past.  We ask you to be extra vigilant with this, over the next few days. There are lots of changes happening with Mother Earth and with yourselves too.  We you are angels are with you and guiding you to finding peace, and guiding you to make the right choices, to get through this period of change, o the earth plane.  So much positive work has been done the past few days, through spiritual leaders, and we thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts of what has been taking place.  We your angels pray that peace in your world will be there soon.   Love is the answer and we know you understand this concept. Sometimes just doing your part, alone or with groups, is more than enough, and it is a start for all.  We thank you for all that you do in bringing this to a reality.”


Archangel Michael and the communion of angels that are present with him at all time.

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