So many times the angels ask us to be open to possibilities of what we may think is totally impossible in our human minds, to accomplish. The angels remind us that we have to clear out the doubts and the buts and what ifs, I can’t do this, to changing your mindset to, I can, and there is no doubt I can, and there are no buts. Just I can, and I will. The possibilities are never ending, and keeping the goal or idea in mind, in accomplishing it.  Think of a child and the work he has to do to take his first step. The practice and his determination in learning to walk. He sees others walking and he knows he can too. He gets up and starts to walk and then falls down and gets up again and repeats the sequence of tasks in making his first step.  Then he makes his first step and falls down again and up he goes again, to take his steps even a bit further that the first few times of initial attempts of learning take his first steps. Walking is a simple goal in many ways and when you break down the steps and all that goes into making that first step or steps, with a positive outcome, then you know that anything is impossible.

The angels ask you to remember a time when you had a goal or dream, for yourself, but was not sure of all of the possibilities of what you wanted to do. And then, when you wanted to set a goal for something, the times you had to practice do research, and the ups and downs you had, with setting that goal in motion. Seeing the progress you were making, feeling more successful, through it all.  What you may have thought to be impossible was a completed goal for you that you first had to think and plan how you were to accomplish the goal. And the possibilities were amazing. And the angels say in unison, Grasp all that you can in life, and see your dreams come true.

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