Today is the first day of autumn and I am so glad the weather is cooling down.  It has been a hot summer here in the Northeast.  Autumn is my favorite time of the year, because of the rich traditions connected with my career as a teacher, and how I used the seasonal traditions with my teaching themes.   Every month in the fall season there was a holiday that I could write my lessons plans around and plan field trips, and little celebrations too, with in the classroom. Of course the decorations in the classroom store bought and done in my art lesson plans for my class were extremely visible and lot of fun to experience and display around the school and classroom.

The activities always helped in assisting the students to adjust being back to school and for making new friends, and finding new confidence in trying new activities too.  Working in Pre- school, these things were important for my developing of lesson plans.

The memories of those days can leave a bit of sadness, in my soul because it was so much a part of my life for. so many years. We do go on and I now see how the possibilities in one’s life. can be limitless. The last four years, have proven this for me, and the ride has been wonderful too.   We all have this opportunity of possibilities, and we will in time see this for ourselves.  We have a choice, of having a negative view of our past and long and complain about how it was.  Or we can, say I am looking forward to what the Universe and I can do together.  Although this can be very scary, it is also very exciting, if we choose to be open to the possibilities, of what can happen.

I asked the angels, particularly Archangel Gabriel, and his understanding of change and importance of positive focus, even when it can be most difficult for us living on the earth plane. “Yes the possibilities are endless, and you can do and be more than you can ever imagine, when that decision is made.  He says, listening to your heart, and seeing the synchronicities of what is occurring in your life in a good way is a definitive indicator for your direction. He says, fall is a time for beginnings and for endings, too…  The ending of the harvest but the beginnings of new opportunities or even the planning of new opportunities.  Understanding this on a personal and spiritual level will help the difficult times and positive times, become a lot easier to experience.”  He also says change is good whether it’s a season of mother earth, or change in oneself of whatever that may be.  Embrace the changes and see the growth.

Happy Fall to all and may this season of change, and preparation for whatever is to be for you, a positive experience, for you in every way.


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