I am praying for us all, this weekend. I will be asking the angels for their loving energy and peace to surround us all.  So many are struggling, yet keeping going. It’s all we can do, because we have no control of what others may say or do. We can keep the faith, continue our trust in the goodness of mankind and trust, that we are protected. Right now I am seeing a lot of confusion and feeling it myself, too. At this point I feel if we continue in appreciating our friends and family, and being there for them we are doing our part.  Showing kindness to those we don’t know, in some way may be the highlight of someone’s day. You never know.  Trusting that we can all do our part in making our world  a place of comfort and peace. Knowing our angels are there helping us but can’t interfere, unless we ask.  There are people who are truly suffering, and they show this in ways that are quite sad. We can offer love or sending a loving intention to all, even when it’s hardest to do so. We have to help each other, converse and share or listen to others concerns, not keep it in. We have seen, what can happen when that takes place.  I am speaking of a child or maybe your child that may be in need of some or guidance.  Listening to what people are talking about. Being present in mind and body. Sometimes we can be there but are we listening.  It can be an elderly person, or your partner, friend. Listening and letting you know are there and that you care can be very helpful.

What can you do this weekend to share the Love?

The bottom line is it’s all about LOVE

Not the other stuff

Thank you for listening, the angels say hello and they love all of you too.

Another photograph of flowers from my back yard garden..  Perfect picture to share the love…


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