There is a saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” *

Think about that when you look at certain pictures what this may bring to you.

How does it make you feel?

What are the colors like?

What insights does it bring up for you?

If you were to look at the picture, can you write a story about what you are seeing in the picture?

Will it be happy? Will it be a sad story?

You have the opportunity to make the story into how you want the story to begin and to end.  You have the choice, of who the characters are and how they appear in the story.

And the angels remind us that it is a bit like how you want to live your own life too.  They say, we can write our own stories, of how we want to live our lives, and that we have more control than we think we do.  They ask you to think about this, a bit more when you are writing or living your own story.  We each have stories to share to live out,

What will the story of your life be?

What words will be written?

As you take daily snapshots of what you have chosen for your journey.

The choice is yours,

You know that asking for guidance from your angels

They can help you along your journey



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