January 8th

Did you have ever have dream and keep the dream totally to yourself. You would make a plan and make a bit of progress, and then forget your plan, because life got really busy.  Then a month later you think of the plan again and ask for guidance or make a connection with someone, and continue to work on the goal for a little while. Next thing you know, its March, and that important goal has not moved too far, because of yo yo focus on it. Yo Yo dieting is a lot like that, or paying attention to one’s health or any other goal for that matter.

The angels remind us, we are human, so give yourselves a break.  Life takes over and what we need to focus on may not happen in the way we want it to happen.  There are some ways to help you with this, and I asked the angels to share some, along with my intuitive contribution.

    • Don’t be too hard on yourself… Make a plan for each day or week, to focus on a specific goal, and write an obtainable goal for that day or week, towards the wanted outcome.
    • Finding the best option for you on a specific goal that is best for you is important. Not everyone can do the same thing, the same way. So finding the best way for you is crucial.
  • You can ask yourself some questions about the goal that are suited for just you. What would they be for you specifically?.
  • Get a partner who can help you with accountability of the goal


  • Have a sense of humor about the process. Because when you are smiling you aren’t upset, angry or frustrated. Some goals may not be one in which having a sense of humor is possible, try allowing this, to help with the stress of what the goal is.
  • Ask for help or assistance. We are not separate and someone may have the perfect resource for you.Love,
  • Your Angels and Peg J.
  • Wishing you much success and happiness this year!
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