I am so glad our New Year has arrived. Making the goals, towards what we want to accomplish over the year 2016, has been a lot of fun. It’s been fun because for the first time in a long time I realize I can pick and choose, as to how I want the New Year to be for me.  Of course the best laid plans always have a few twists and turns, and we make the adjustments needed. We have a different point of view, of the turn of events over the next year, and go with the flow.  And so the angels have a few suggestions for your planning of 2016.

  • Write your hopes and dreams down for the year, and it can be in the different areas of your life, or just write them all down and then categorize them.
  • Let no obstacle keep you from setting your goals. We are co-creators and together the universe will help you to create the goals for you. Sometimes the process is quick and sometimes it’s slow. Look for the signs of progress, and keeping the vision for you clear.
  • Be patient for the process, is happening.   Making that intention for the goals you make, will keep the intention alive for you and the universe. Baby steps toward the goal, is a step in the right direction.
  • Have your goals in plain view so you can refer to them each day…   This will help to ingrain the goals and to keep thinking or ways and also listening to what you are hearing from God, your angels and guides.
  • Create a time each day to meditate on your goals and also to write any insights you may have about these goals.
  • Prioritize your goals, so that working on the most important goal can get a head start, by working on that first. Followed by the rest. For example, health might be a goal that is crucial for all the other goals to truly fall into place. Making that plan of action, can help to set the tone for the rest of goals and of them coming to fruition over the next year

And lastly the angels remind us to enjoy the process of learning, networking, researching, and just going with the flow, of all that occurs this year.

Love your Angels

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