Today the angels have a task for you to do.

This is how they are asking you to do this.  They say, Dear Children

We ask you to consider a few things.  Who is your life is needing to some TLC?  Who needs to take time for themselves?  Who needs to be a bit pampered, because of total exhaustion?  Who needs to just sit back and just BE?

Fill in the blanks…..

If that person is not you, then who is it?  They say, “Of course its you…. You have been running ragged, and we want you to take some time for YOU, very soon. Plan the time, the date,  and what you are going to do for that day.  You deserve this time for you .  Take the much needed time and break, and focus on you and what you want to for you on this day.  Taking this time will help you to see how important it is to concentrate on a day for just YOU!!

It doesnt’ have to be expensive, and it doesn’t have to extravagant!!!   Just have fun and thank the angels for being there with you …. Get to know you … And what you can do to improve or change something in your life, or just keep it the same if that is what you want..  Speak to your angels, write to them, let them know what is on your mind… Enjoy this time for You


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