Dear Angels

What message do you want to share with us today?

We ask that you be in a place of being proactive as far as you are able to be in listening to our guidance over the next few days. We are with you and we are helping you see the good of what may not seem to be positive at this time. Watch over the next few days, what you are thinking as far as being negative. Question your thoughts, when you are feeling annoyed or upset.  Try to turn the thought around to a place where you can have a better attitude and better understanding, of why you may be thinking a certain way… Check in with yourself, to see how you may be feeling, think of something that you enjoy, makes you happy, and feeling peaceful.  Do something that you enjoy and listen to the thoughts as you are immersed in your activity.  What can you do to keep that feeling of clarity in why you have been thinking or feeling a certain way.  Ask us, your angels, for any insight we would want to share for you, and be in a place of accepting, our love

We wish you a day of love and joy.

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