NO BREAKFAST? Are you kidding? by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Seminar Leader & 50-Pound BIG-Time-LOSER! (Write Janice for Free Life Consult).TRUE or FALSE? Skipping breakfast aids weight loss. Maybe y’all think that if you don’t eat breakfast, you just saved yourself 300 calories and are that much closer to that skinny-minnie body that you’re after. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but it just doesn’t work that way! What THOSE IN THE KNOW say:A recent study conducted at the University of Texas at El Paso found that those who eat a morning meal actually ingest less calories over the course of the day. The Scary State of OVER-HUNGRY:Skipping meals leads to a state of ‘over-hungry,’ which often leads us down the path of destruction – straight to lack of controland distorted satiety signals.It becomes more difficult to tell when you are full. This can result in taking in more calories than had you eaten your breakfast in the first place.The Benefits of Breakfast:Eating breakfast is also known to improve concentration, problem solving ability, mental performance, memory and mood. Life is tough enough without this extra added pressure! One Thing that YOU CAN Do Today!Eat up, eat healthy!Righteous Recipe Juicy Smooth Breakfast ShakeHydrate thyself! Starting the day in a dehydrated state can lead to difficulties concentrating, and cause headaches and irritability. Drink water, milk, juice or try whipping up a healthy smoothie.Ingredients:1 medium ripe banana, peeled3/4 cup pineapple juice (no sugar added; natural juice)1/2 cup plain low-fat or no-fat yogurt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1/2 cup strawberries, stems removed and rinse.Instructions:Break banana into small pieces and put in the blender with: pineapple juice, yogurt, vanilla extract and strawberries.Blend until smooth. Divide between two glasses. Serve.Spread the word (NOT the icing!),JaniceComing Soon! THE CHRISTMAS DIET … Imagine waking up on New Years Day THINNER than you were on November 1. To be put on the fast weight loss list, send email to Write Janice for free ‘life’ consult!Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!Workshops! Come, play with me!Free Our Lady of Weight Loss E-Cards! Spread the FUN word!For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter. Pick up a copy of Janice’s latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!” . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you.” ~ O, The Oprah Magazine