bobble.jpgAmericans spend $17 billion a year on portable water. Nearly 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make the plastic water bottles. Most of the bottles end up in garbage, in our landfills, in our oceans, littering our sidewalks.
Booble is a new product in the marketplace.
It is a portable water bottle that comes with a carbon filter.
Karim Rashid’s design is stylish, light and easy to use.
You put your tap water into the Bobble. The carbon filter cleans and filters the water.
One Bobble filter is equivalent to 300 water bottles. Imagine – that’s 300 plastic bottles that won’t go into the landfill. Not only will you save cash, but you will decrease your carbon footprint as you do your part to help save the planet.
Now there’s a product worthy of your consideration.
Spread the word … NOT the icing,
Join with Janice Taylor, your Life & Wellness Coach, at Omega:
Our Lady of Weight Loss EnLIGHTens; Health, Happiness & Well-Being – Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Hypnotist, author & 55 pound big-time-loser, is on a mission. She wants to make health and weight loss fun and create balance and harmony in our life. For more information about her life-changing workshop at The Omega Institute, our nation’s most trusted source for wellness and personal growth … READ ON!
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