Are you feeling depressed, defeated and deprived? Are you losing the battle of the bulge? Well, no need to despair. I have the best ever diet tip to share with you, and I can pretty much promise that if you follow this rule, you will lose weight at a much faster rate and keep it off! Imagine that!
Even though your defense mechanisms may get triggered and your list of ‘excuses’ as to why you cannot do this will surface, do it anyway. Ready?
Make a clean sweep. Clean out the cabinets, the fridge, the freezer, the drawer that you keep your secret stash in. Get rid of the chips, the ice cream, the soda, the deep fried Twinkies, the Cheese doodles, and whatever else you have that you know is not in alignment with your healthy living goals. Yes, throw it out. Seriously, it’s better to toss it, then to eat it and sabotage your healthy living goals.
There’s enough temptation ‘out there’ for you to deal with. I’m sure that you will agree that it takes a lot of energy to veto foods. Therefore, if you have to fight the evil forces of the ‘devil’s cake’ at home, you are more likely to cave when you get to the office.
Today, start a new. Clear your path to a healthy future.
Spread the word … NOT the icing!
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