A few weeks ago, while flying from here to there, I curled up in my airplane seat and read a passage about drama from one of Eckhart Tolle’s books (either The Power of Now or A New Earth – sorry, I can’t remember which one).
How much drama?
Eckhart asked the reader to look at just how much drama he or she may have be participating in and/or how much they may have created.
I sat there rather smugly congratulating myself on my drama-free state. However, upon further reflection, I remembered that I had, indeed, created a tiny bit – just a smidgen, I swear – of drama not ten minutes earlier.
Personal Space Drama
The person to whom I was sitting next to on the plane was invading my space in a variety of ways. (I’ll spare you the drama!) Rather than quietly getting up and moving to one of the many empty seats on this particular plane, I sought out a flight attendant and told her my tale of woe.
In retrospect, I suspect that I was hoping that she would agree with my take on things. You know, that she would buy into my drama; my story and sympathize with me! But no, she simply (minus the drama) told me that it was fine for me to move to any empty seat that I liked.
The No Drama Stance
Instead of simply staying with the challenge and finding a solution to it – not happy in this seat, so I’ll move to another – I took the problem to my ‘story-telling mind’ and whipped up a drama.
Why the word ‘drama’ on Weight Loss Word Wednesday?
“I can’t believe my sister would serve that kind of food to me!”
“I got on the scale and I gained. What’s wrong with me? With the scale? With life?”
“It’s just not fair.”
You tell me! How many weight loss dramas have you created or participated in?
Hungry for another platter full of drama?
Try this … Drowning in Drama

Spread the word … NOT the icing!
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