When one is pretending, the entire body revolts. ~ Anais Nin

Since human life began, there has never been anyone like you—and there will never again be anyone else like you.  Yet despite special talents and great desire, many of us are stuck in limiting beliefs about who we are and what we’re truly capable of.

Suppressing your authentic self can lead to a life of frustration, depression, mediocrity, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a general nagging sense that things are not as they should be.   Allowing yourself to fully flourish and blossom is THE key to your success in any and all areas of life—including and especially permanent weight removal.
As you begin 2012, make Being YOU your number one priority.  Being YOUtrumps the fear that traps you into conforming, into being frozen by what you imagine others are thinking about you.Join with Janice Taylor (that’s me), your Life & Weight Loss Success Coach, for what is sure to be the Best e-Life Changing, Weight-Changing COURSE of 2012.

Combining guided imagery and visualization techniques, as well as strategies rooted in positive psychology, I will help you establish a foundation for making the transformational shift needed for you to discover an authentic, courageous vision of yourself and your future. During the three-week course you will receive:

  • Three weekly e-Luminous Lessons  (one per week)
  • Three weekly MENTALcises (one per week)
  • Three weekly audio creative visualization-meditations (one per week)
  • 21 daily positive, motivating and inspiring emails that further lift and enlighten.

What you’ll learn: how to

  • Get Your Personal Needs Met
  • Increase Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Honor Your Body & Accept Your Beauty
  • Create a Vision of Your Compelling Future
  • Tune Out Cultural and Familial Distractions
  • Create a Joyful and Authentic Life

To reserve your seat at the Luminosity Table!!! click here!

For even more motivation, inspiration and support, as well as the best weight loss wisdom, be sure to kick-start the New Year with a Kick in the Tush!   Join  Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Kick in the Tush Club.  Slim down while you laugh it up!!!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


For the best in wellness and weight loss wisdom, visit Janice:
Our Lady of Weight Loss

join the Kick in the Tush Club

Become a Tushkateer!
Tushkateer*  A Tushkateer is a person who receives Our Lady of Weight Loss’s newsletter, called the KICK in the TUSH CLUB!!!  Sign up and receive her weekly e-newsletter with all the news that ‘fit’ to print, and you are automatically a Tushkateer!  How cool is that? :)

Follow Janice on Twitter @OurLady

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