Summer Weight Loss is EASY! by Janice Taylor, Self-Help / Weight Loss Artist

They say that summertime weight loss is the easiest, because there’s more daylight to delight our souls and summer fruits to feast on!

Here, Janice Taylor, your Life & Wellness Coach (weight loss expert) asks us to combine our bowls of berries and sunshiny days with Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 8 tips on …

How to Manifest Your Summer Weight Loss Dreams!

1.  Knock Fear Out of the Way.  I don’t know why, but it seems that as soon as we say ‘yes’ to going after our dreams, fear rushes in.

Let’s agree that when that happens, we will knock fear out of our way.

Some people say, “be fearless.”  I say (and you can quote me on this) that no one is fearless.  Step over fear; knock fear out of the way; jump over it … just do not let it get in your way, weigh you down, or stop you!

2.  Be Brave.  In our hearts, we know that stretching our thinking and way of being is a good thing to do.  Still, we don’t necessarily enjoy being out of our comfort zone.  Ride out the discomfort.

3. Tune Into Your Dream.   If you don’t begin to tune into and listen to your heart and body, your dream cannot grow.

If you would please just stop for a moment right now, close your eyes and just allow your dream to whisper to you.  Allow your dream to begin to speak its mind.  Breathe life into it. Allow it to take shape.

Don’t squelch your dreams without even giving them a chance to blossom!

4.  Keep the End Goal in Mind.  Ask yourself, what will losing weight give me that I wouldn’t otherwise have?  Will it bring me more love, joy, harmony, peace, wisdom or prosperity? Will I feel better about myself?  Will my self-esteem rise to meet the clouds?  The reward needs to be bigger than the sacrifice!

5.  Send a Crystal Clear Message to the Universe.  The Universe (as well as your unconscious mind) does not process negatives, only energy! An example: I want to be happy; vs. I do not want to be unhappy.   Be crystal clear about what you want vs. what you do not want.

6. Expect Your Dreams to Manifest.  If you don’t believe in yourself, have faith, and expect that your dreams will manifest, who will?  Believe.

7.  Imagine It Now.  Imagine how it feels to have what you want as if it has already happened. Whatever you are focusing on is what you attract into your life and what you manifest.  You are your thoughts and words.  Choose them wisely.

8. Stay Open to Possibilities.  Maintain your focus on what you want. Keep the flame of desires burning bright.

At the same time, be open to what might show up.  Stay open to all the possibilities.  Sometimes dreams have a life and mind of their own and you are wise to follow their lead!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


Life & Weight Loss Success Coach
wise * fun * utterly useful

FEED YOUR SOUL: Change Your WEIGHT!!! workshop – extraordinary opportunity!
September 16 – 19, 212

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