This morning, I awoke to a ridiculously cold 13 degrees.  My first thoughts were not particularly happy ones. “Geeze Louise, when I head out I am going to have to bundle up big time;  long underwear, a second pair of pants, three layers of sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves….lest I freeze my ass off.” These words,…

For death is but a passing phase of Life; A change of dress, a disrobing; A birth into the unborn again; A commencing where we ended; A starting where we stopped to rest; A crossroad of Eternity; A giving up of something, to possess all things. The end of the unreal, the beginning of the…

Today is National Hugging Day! I’ve already hugged three people, and in doing so I realized that hugging is a bit more complex than just grabbing someone and squeezing! Not everyone welcomes a full frontal hug! Go figure. Anyway, if you are thinking about participating in this national holiday, “Hugging Day,” then there are some…

This morning, as I lie in bed, contemplating what the next few days might bring forth on all planes–physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually–what the days could look like, I begin to wonder how I could possibly best manage to “enjoy” them. As I contemplate how to cope with moving my mother from hospital to hospice, the…

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