Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal, asked y’all “What do you want? What do you really, really want?” While that sounds like a simple question, it’s not an easy one to answer. People tend to answer by stating what they don’t want. But not you guys! You dug deep and got to the core of what is important, what you value, what you want!
Here, your WANTS! Please read through, identify your wants and share your wants and thoughts with us!
You want to….
experience the YES moment * be back in control of myself * be back to taking care of myself * be in control of my thoughts * live a long & healthy life * fully appreciate the song of the birds * live in possibility * have fulfilling and fun relationships * like myself, maybe even love myself * feel like part of my life, not just a moon orbiting around it * trust myself * be excited * practice loving kindness, first towards myself and then others * feel safe again and more in control of my life (read that as in control of my eating) * feel joy again * LIFE! * not hurt anymore * stop second guessing myself * stop caring what other people think * be and maintain my stride * decrease stress, both inside and out * not hate myself * enjoy my journey to optimum health * freedom from obsession and compulsion regarding food and therefore peace of mind * like myself when I look in the mirror * healthier relationship with food that allows me to get rid of the last 10 pounds * be healthy, strong and sexy for my 56th birthday vacation to Paris and London October 24 * lose the fat that is on the lower part of my back and the fat between my boobs and the underarm * my commitment to weight loss to last much longer than 3 weeks * make friends with, my trickster ego resistance and my limitations illusion * evolve my relationship with my Body as a sacred space * encounter, engage and revel in the sacred in my extraordinary ordinary Body * remove the layers of sadness in one fell swoop; not layer by layer * look forward to something * believe in myself * work less * play more * not only be organized, but enjoy being organized – yes, I’d like to get a thrill out of being organized, productive * be on fire * see what I have and fully appreciate it * I want to “WANT” * own it! * Live It! * Greater self-confidence * Wear a Size 8 * a happy romantic relationship * feeling happy and joyful about my body * begin running again * lose weight! * what I eat to translate to consistent energy through the day *end Nighttime Eating * maintain my new weight of 125 or less — period. (No more slip ups!) * relax with, not be controlled by food * change my relationship with food * my food to serve my health needs * taking loving care of my body to become second nature to me * balance my weight issues * move to North Carolina * peace in the midst of chaos * end addictive behaviors * balance!* I want to be in control of all aspects of my life. * I want to wear my size 10 jeans again. * My husband to look at me with attraction and longing. * Hike up a mountain. * Remember who I am. * I want to “feel real” again; Good-Better-The Best, things from Life! to live a long happy time to experience my grandchildren, so they can know me. * First off – I’m sick with a terrible cold and I want to take a nap and not feel guilty about it. (I intend to apply to times when I’m not sick, too, but just know that I would do better with a bit of rest.) And – I WANT to sit still (stretch, meditate, just sit) for 15 minutes a day. Oh, and I WANT to take as good of care of myself as I do others.
Tell me what you really want! Comment below or join with Tushkateers from around the globe: Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH Club/ FB!
Deliciously yours,
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For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice!