Ready to #stop-Worrying?  ~  contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian
Ready to #stop-Worrying? ~ contact Janice Taylor, Weight Loss SUCCESS Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, Artist, Positarian

According to the University of the West of England in Bristol, 34% of women recently have had a nightmare, as compared to 19% of the men who participated in their study.  Women, they found, are more likely to ponder, worry and mull over the events of the day than men!

What to do? Stop pondering, mulling over…Stop Worrying!
How to STOP Worrying?

Pretend…that’s right PRETEND!!! and Remember…

Pretend SMILE: When you smile, not only does the whole world smile with you, but also your body produces chemicals that give a boost to your health. And dig this … it doesn’t have to be a genuine smile, coming from your heart. A pretend smile will do the trick!

Pretend Laugh: You’ve heard the expression “laughter is the best medicine,” haven’t you? Well, it’s true. Not only does laughter increase your adrenaline and improve your health, it burns calories, too. And – you guessed it, ‘pretend laugh’ will manifest the same benefits; increase health, decrease worry.

Pretend Exercise: You don’t have to join a gym, or full out exercise to feel better and let go the concerns of the day. You can simply walk from here to there and back again. You can wiggle your tush. The very fact that you are ‘moving,’ will help you to move away from worry!

Pretend It’s All Right: After dinner, a few hours before bed, take your worries and mentally place them on the high shelf in the back of your closet and pretend it’s all right.

REMEMBER:  Worrying is a waste of your imagination!

Try pretending on for size!  Join with the world’s best pretenders! Join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH Club/FB!

Spread the word–NOT the Icing!
Janny Taylor

Sign up for the KICK in the TUSH CLUB monthly e-newsletter, sign up here.

To join the FACEBOOK/KITT Club, click here!

For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice!

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