The great teachers tell us that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything when you start with “No.”
“Why is that?” you ask. Because…
…Starting with “Yes” does not mean that you jump in happily with a perfect 2-foot landing. “Yes” is about acceptance, which means you abandon labels (like lazy), and you attempt to stop analyzing or categorizing things (like good vs. bad).
“Yes” allows you to create an inner-spaciousness. It allows you to observe; to become aware of the “No” and the thoughts and feelings that surround it. When we complain, reject or fear something, in the irrational world of ego, our erroneous sense of self strengthens and makes us feel as if we are important, which in turn leads to your contracting back into your small self, your false sense; the opposite of luminous authenticity.
When you hear yourself saying, “No,” step back and observe the “defensive” wall that you are building with “No;” so high and thick that you can’t see past it.
And, then step into “Yes.” Even if the word doesn’t resonate fully, even if it makes no sense in this moment, start with “Yes” and see what could happen!
“Yes, the mind likes to think, but until it learns to listen to others, to the body, the heart and all the sense, it also uses itself to block everything it does not like to do or to acknowledge.” ~ Richard Rohr
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