In Need of Quirky Wisdom? - contact Janice Taylor, Life Coach, Weight Loss Expert and more...
In Need of Quirky Wisdom? – contact Janice Taylor, Life Coach, Weight Loss Expert and more…

Label Me Quirky: Last week, while “networking” (as they say) at a “wellness event,” I took note of the way I introduced myself to my fellow attendees. “Hi, I am Janice Taylor. I am a life and wellness coach, a hypnotherapist, author of the Our Lady of Weight Loss books, creator of the Kick in the Tush Club, a kooky genius (Oprah magazine said so), a mother, a wife, an artist.”

“Jeeze Louise,” I thought to myself. It’s as if I have a bag full of labels that I’m lugging around with me and depending upon who I am talking to or my mood of the moment, I reach in and slap another sticky label onto my blouse!

Having labels is neither good nor bad. It just is. It’s how we define and in this case, introduce ourselves.

Further, none of us are just one label. We are all a number of color-coded sticky, “Hello My Name Is _________ “ and “I am a ________ “ labels. We are mothers, wives, daughters, sisters (male counterparts if appropriate), teacher, dancer, writer, happy person, lover of cats, lover of dogs, etc. etc. etc.!

And we are the labels that other people “slap” on us. My father used to call my mother lovingly, “The Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.” Hey, it was back n’ the day! (I’d say, “Daddy, what’s for dinner?” And he’d say, “Hmmmm …. Let’s ask the “Chief Cook n’ Bottle Washer.” J

Your only limitations are those you set up in your mind, or permit others to set up for you.” ~ Og Mandino

Labels are powerful influences on our lives, yet at the same time, they can be extraordinarily limiting. Labels stick us in a category, slot or tight box where there’s no room to move or grow or change.

Are you aware of the numerous labels that you have adhered to your chest? Your blouse? Or maybe the one(s) someone else has added to you without your permission?

Today is a good day to consider your labels. If they are not a good “fit,”then get out your label maker and make yourself a new one!

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu

Let go of what you are. Become what you might be!
Sometimes it’s just that simple!

For more inspiration, motivation, label making techniques, join Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH Club/FB!

Spread the Word …. NOT the icing!

Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful

Sign up for the KICK in the TUSH CLUB monthly e-newsletter, sign up here.
To join the FACEBOOK/KITT Club, click here!
For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice.

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