Today, I thought I’d share a letter I received from one of Our Lady of Weight Loss’s readers/fans! Melissa is in need of help. I’ve offered my advice. Please feel free to weigh-in below. All support greatly appreciated!
Dear OLofWL ~ I have very recently started a weight loss journey, and I could use some help. I currently weigh around 330 pounds, and I have always struggled with my weight.
I am an emotional eater. I am on disability because of how severely my weight gain has affected my health. So far, I have managed to stay committed to my goal of getting and staying healthy, but I fear that I may stumble and fall as I have done so many times before. Please give me some advice on how to stay strong. Thank you. ~ Melissa
Dear Melissa ~ Yes, weight loss or permanent fat removal, weight release, weight management (to those who are reading this, call ‘it’ whatever resonates best for you) is a journey. It is a journey, as life is a journey. I am happy to hear and see that you are not expecting overnight results and accept it as it is … a journey!
And, true enough – we all need support and help along our journey in one fashion or another. So, good, good, good! You are on a journey and you are reaching out for support and help. And … I well understand your fear, especially given the fact that your weight has had such a dramatic affect on your health.
The best advice I can give you is two-fold.
1. When (not if, because we all do) you stumble and fall, get up, dust yourself off and say “All is forgiven, move on!” Yes, that is Our Lady of Weight Loss’s most famous of mantras and it works. Get up and move on in that moment. Do not say, “Oh well, I’ll get back on tomorrow.” A cliche but nevertheless true, ‘tomorrow never comes.’ Stumbling, falling, and moving on is part of the process.
2. The second part of my advice is to consider this phrase (another OLofWL mantra), “the past is masquerading as the future.” Just because prior attempts have not manifested the results that you have wanted, it does not mean that this time will be a repeat.
Every time you have a thought that ties you to the past (as you did above, “I fear that I may stumble and fall as I have done so many times before,” recognize it as the past masquerading as the future and leave it in the past.
When those thoughts arise, imagine letting them float back, back, back to the past where they belong. Change your current thinking!
I do hope that helps to keep you on track, in your lane, moving forward toward your healthy and compelling future. ~ OLofWL
Spread the word … NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful
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