While scripting a hypno-meditation with the intent of bringing awareness and relaxation to the body (which I plan to record and share at my “Feed Your Soul” workshop at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies), I realized that we all know where our forehead is … our eyes, nose, ears, belly, hips, legs and feet, but what about our solar-plexus?

Where is your solar plexus???

The celiac plexus, also known as the solar plexus, is a complex network of nerves (a plexus) located in the abdomen, where the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries branch from the abdominal aorta. It is in back of the stomach and the omental bursa, and in front of the crura of the diaphragm, on the level of the first lumbar vertebra, L1. (source: Wikipedia)

According to Hindu texts, the Solar Plexus is the seat of your third Chakra. This Chakra is situated just below the sternum (where your ribs attach in the front).  You can imagine it to be a beacon of light, which radiates from the center of your body.  Its energy jet propels you to move forward, toward fulfilling your dreams and goals.

And you can further imagine that the Solar Plexus Chakra is where one can find and cultivate energy that can enable you to turn DESIRE into ACTION!!! It is home to our Want Power muscle (previously known as Will Power muscle).


What we WANT fuels our WILL and it, in turn, provides a spark of energy that ignites us into ACTION.

The Solar Plexus is the crucial point in our bodies where our ‘parts’ – often opposing parts – have an opportunity to meet and join forces.

An example:

“Part of me wants to be as healthy as humanly possible and say no to foods that are processed, overloaded with saturated fats, salt and sugar, BUT the other part of me simply wants the fried chicken and the cake with extra frosting – now!”

Now, let’s add philosopher Ken Wilbur’s words into the mix, “No one is smart enough to be 100% wrong.” When I heard these words, I thought, “what a wonderful concept to bring to my battling self.”

These words can shed light on your inner battle, as they help us to understand that our desire to eat cake is not 100% ‘wrong,’ nor is our desire to say ‘no thank you,’ healthy 100% ‘right.’   And if neither side is wrong or right, then there is an opportunity for understanding, for loving-kindness and inner-peace.

When we scan our bodies from top to bottom, moving down from our foreheads to our toes, let’s remember to pause at the Solar Plexus with an open heart and allow both ‘parts’ to say what they need to say so that the battle can end.

Spread the word … NOT the icing,

wise * fun * utterly useful


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