Our Lady of SensualityI was having a kick-tush conversation with one of my star clients (you are all stars) regarding sexuality and sensuality.  Certainly, weight can and does bring up issues with or concerns about sexuality; increased sexuality, decreased sexuality, et cetera.  But – what about sensuality?   How does sensuality weigh in?

What is sensuality?
I searched through various dictionaries for a clear definition of sensuality and what became clear was that – depending on the dictionary – a multitude of definitions exist.

While there is a sexual component to sexuality, sensuality is not sexuality.  Sensuality has to do with enjoying the pleasure of your senses:  Sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch.  It’s about being awakened and stimulated by things that activate these various senses.

To live ‘in sensuality’ is to be aware of, appreciate and take delight in our senses.  It is to live a life felt through our senses.  When we shift of focus to that which is felt, smelled, touched, heard and tasted, it has a significant and positive bearing on how we experience life.

Studies show that those who are especially sensual have a tendency to be more ‘present.’  They are not living in the past, projecting the future; they are one with the smell of the rose, the feel of a soft breeze.

Opportunity in sensuality.
There is opportunity in sensuality. An opportunity to slow down and pay full attention to the feeling at hand; an opportunity to bask in the actual moment of sensuality rather than rush through life.  Rushing to get where?

How does sensuality weigh-in on our weight?
We are sensual beings.   Our bodies are designed to experience multiple kinds of pleasure.   It’s important that we tap into all of our senses.  The more we take the time to slow down and be present; to appreciate the beauty, the sounds, the smells, the textures that surround us, the less likely we are to be act from an unconscious place and overeat.

And, of course, taste is a sense.  If you approach food from a sensual place and truly appreciate food, if you slow down, eat with awareness, appreciate the smell of the food, the taste, the texture, its beauty, you will eat less.   (Eating less usually leads to weighing less.)

Overflow with appreciation, awareness, heighten your senses in every area of your life; apply the lessons to food and watch your body reflect a new you.

Join with Our Lady of Weight Loss and me!
Please join with us as we explore our sensuality.  Let’s enjoy the song of the bird, the smell and beauty of the flowers, the feel of our furry friends, the taste of a crisp, sweet autumn apple.

How are you exploring your sensuality?  Weigh-in (comment) below!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


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