Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, in particular, weight loss. If we don’t feel good about ourselves; feel confident – what do we do? We head to the fridge. Stuff those feelings down. EAT!
All other things being equal, self-confidence is often the one ingredient that distinguishes a successful person from someone less successful.
The good news is that self-confidence is yet another muscle to build up and on. It’s takes practice to like oneself.
It’s a matter of focusing on all that you do well, all that is good about you. And believe me, there is a lot more fabulous in you than you can imagine.

How to Build Your Self Confidence Muscle

One of the best ways to start to build your self-confidence muscle is to recognize and acknowledge all that you accomplish on a daily basis.
And one way to keep track of your daily accomplishments is to keep a daily log or diary identifying any and all goals that you reach, no matter how big or small, positive behavior changes, positive feedback from others, anything that you handled during the day in a positive way, any wins in any areas.
One of the things I put in my daily log yesterday: “Packed for trip to The Crossings, Texas.” Yay! One thing I can cross off my to-do list. “Made corner grocer smile when I said thank you in Korean.” I spread good cheer!
Stop right now and think. What could you write in your self-confidence success log? “I’m thinking about a self-confidence log. Wow! Great first step.”
Keep the daily log or diary at hand so that you can fill it in immediately as you achieve something rather than forgetting! Combine it with your daily food sheet, if you like; or your gratitude journal. Just be sure to note your accomplishments in some way, shape or form so that you give yourself the credit you deserve! Feel your self-confidence muscle growing? Work it daily!!
Spread the word … NOT the icing,
Janice Taylor is a Life & Happiness Coach, author, seminar leader and 50-pound-BIG-Time-LOSER! Write Janice for an Introductory Coaching Session.
For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.
Pick up a copy of Janice’s latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!
” . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you.” ~ O, The Oprah Magazine
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