Dearest Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, I have a Thanksgiving Challenge for you! It serendipidously presented itself to me, which means that it did not come from me but rather through me. The idea to share with you was from Our Lady of Weight Loss, herself!
Here’s how it went down. I proudly and with great panache recited my annual Thanksgiving prayer at our pre-Thanskgiving dinner. When done, my son-in-law piped up and offered some sage advice, “You know,” he said, “if you ask yourself, “Will ‘this’ (referencing stuffing, pie, cranberry sauce, any food of any kind) make my heart happy, you are likely to see that it won’t, and you will more easily put the fork down and push away from the table.”
So, I tried it. Once sated, with each and every impulse to eat more, I stopped, tuned inward and asked myself, “Will this make my heart happy?” (Please note “Will this” works. “Does this” does not work. Be careful what words you use.)
Consistently, the answer was “no,” so I put the fork down and pushed away from the table. (This phrase, by the way, has become a family joke. We say “Put the fork down. Push away from the table.” as if we are the food police, speaking through a bullhorn.)
The Thanksgiving Challenge is to, when reaching for yet another slice of the pie, more stuffing, or anything else that you really know in your heart of hearts is over the top and not worth it, ask yourself, “WILL this make my HEART happy?” There’s some magic in the heart aspect of this, as well.
“WILL this make my HEART HAPPY?”
“WILL this make my HEART HAPPY?”
“WILL this make my HEART HAPPY?”
Okay?! On board!!! If need be, so you won’t forget, write it on an index card and carry with you. Please let us know how it works for you!
One more thing, before we all head off into the Thanksgiving sunset, we (both Our Lady of Weight Loss and I) want you to know that we are thankful for YOU! For your support, your participation, your brilliant ideas, your spirit that lives large! Have the best, healthiest, happiest day ever!
Gratefully and deliciously yours,
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