The doom-and-gloom-sayers, the end-of-the-world folk are predicting that the world will indeed end tomorrow, December 21, 2012, presumably prophesized by the Mayan calendar.  How will it end?  Will we fall into a black hole, will a monstrous asteroid hit the planet spinning us off our axis? Will aliens land and takeover, like they attempted to…

As we head into December, with our extra long to do list in one hand, and invitations to holiday parties and feasts of plenty in the other hand, I thought it might be utterly useful to know what foods keep the energy flowing strong and happy! Research shows that nutrition does alter the production or…

We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what in the morning was true will in evening become a lie. ~ C.G. Jung A few weeks ago, Darling Husband (DH) and I went to the Rose Center for Earth and Space a.k.a. the planetarium to see, ingest, experience…

Fear is without question the most common type of emotional block. There is … Fear of feeling stupid, Fear of asking dumb questions, Fear of success, Fear of intimacy, Fear of bankruptcy, Fear of rejection, Fear of death, Fear of losing, Feel of feeling foolish, Fear of public speaking … Fear of failing!!! Over time,…

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