Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan. ~ Paul J. Meyer Anachemowegan (from the Mohican (Mahican, Mohegan) North Americans language) TUSHKATEERS!!! In other words, “Peace!” Here I am!!!  Bacckkkkkk in…

Howdy All!  It’s Soul-Full Thursday!  The day that we focus on enhancing our ability to live and love with enthusiasm; the day we focus on the little things in life that are oh so meaningful! Here follows Tips 51-60 (shooting for the full 200), in an ongoing series from Our Lady of Weight Loss, patron…

A quarter of the way there, on my way to 200 Ways to Feed Your Soul, here follows tips 41-50; week 5! It is quite amazing!  As I said last week, the idea of creating 200 ways to feed your soul is a daunting task, but once again, by simply breaking it into bite size…

They say that summertime weight loss is the easiest, because there’s more daylight to delight our souls and summer fruits to feast on! Here, Janice Taylor, your Life & Wellness Coach (weight loss expert) asks us to combine our bowls of berries and sunshiny days with Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 8 tips on ……

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