Good Day TUSHKATEERS!!! Are YOU ready?  Are you READY to shed worry and shed the pounds that accompany it?  GREAT!!! Because, I have a number of Shed Worry/Shed Pounds Tips to share with you today!  BUT .. Before I share my long, happy, fun and playful ‘shedding’ list, I have to give credit where…

I love a good nap.  Sometimes it’s the only thing getting me up in the morning. ~ George Costanza, Seinfeld : George Sleeping Under His Desk The Exhausted Modern World. The modern world puts enormous value on being as productive as humanly possible, which translates into working through lunch, staying late at the office, scheduling…

A friend confessed that she frequently, throughout the day and sometimes throughout the night, visits her refrigerator, tugging on its door – opening and closing it – looking for an answer.  Sometimes she looks in the vegetable bin – sometimes in the egg crate or in the freezer.  She even looks under the ice trays. …

Greetings Tushkateers and Friends of Tushkateers! It has been a glorious week, has it not?  A week of Easter eggs, Matzoh Brie, and Tulips, galore!  Yes, I took a long (lunch break) walk yesterday with my boyfriend (a.k.a. husband of 25 plus years), through the gardens at Central Park. Glory Hallelujah – the daffodils and…

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