Today’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the saying “she’s got a screw loose.” Have you ever wondered about the origin of the phrase she’s got a “screw loose?” The phrase, which means “something is wrong with the person” dates back to the 1780s, when the industrial revolution made mass production of…

Accountability is one of the most powerful principles you can follow in your quest to lose weight, shed pounds, drop the excess, lighten up, declutter, write that novel, or be the best you ever.   Accountability will keep you on track! Just knowing that someone is going to ask you about your progress with your…

The Chinese New Year, a 15-day annual celebration that coincides with the first New Moon of the year, begins on Monday, January 23rd.   It is an auspicious time of year, and when it is observed correctly, it ushers in a year’s worth of good luck and abundance. There are a great many traditions associated with…

Paula Deen, the 64 year-old celebrity chef known for her rich Southern diet, is about to come out of the closet and announce that she does, indeed, have type 2 diabetes, a condition that is known to result from unhealthy eating and obesity. Paula will be sporting a fat-cat hat, as she finalizes a multimillion…

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