Praise be and good luck for Our Lady of Weight Loss (and me)!  Beliefnet is currently featuring our gallery (in a number of newsletters):  13 Ways to Improve Your Luck, which – of course – was inspired by Friday, the 13th, a day some consider unlucky. (Go figure?!) Our Lady of Weight Loss is a…

Since human life began, there has never been anyone like you—and there will never again be anyone else like you.  Yet despite special talents and great desire, many of us are stuck in limiting beliefs about who we are and what we’re truly capable of. Suppressing your authentic self can lead to a life of…

Now that the basic family holidays are behind us – the food and  gift-giving, candle lighting, sugar-coated, glazed holidaze – I sat this morning, the last day of 2011, reliving and reflecting on some of the ‘highlights’ of these past two months – a.k.a. The Holiday Season. While there were plenty of powerfully moving moments,…

This morning, I took a look at my ‘to-do’ list and screamed.  Okay, I didn’t really scream but there was an audible sigh!  So much to do, so little time!  How am I – how are YOU – going to manage to get it all done within a few short weeks?  Before Chanukah, Christmas and…

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