I came across some research that suggests that whether you win the lottery or are paralyzed for life, you will return to your usual level of happiness after three to six month’s time.  It’s difficult to believe, isn’t it?  But according to this particular study, people’s levels of happiness are remarkably stable over the long-term.…

According to the laws and rules of Feng Shui (the Chinese art of placement and energy flow), mirrors represent the mind and influence our self-image, as they reflect back to us who and what we are. Here are some things to consider, with regard to size, shape and placement of mirrors in your home. Mirror,…

No one is as deaf as the man who will not listen.” ~ Jewish Proverb Just Listen!  Imagine what it would be like if we really listened to each other? You know, instead of half-listening; instead of ‘sort of’ paying attention while multi-tasking, or just plain zoning out, or – most commonly – anxiously awaiting…

I was having a kick-tush conversation with one of my star clients (you are all stars) regarding sexuality and sensuality.  Certainly, weight can and does bring up issues with or concerns about sexuality; increased sexuality, decreased sexuality, et cetera.  But – what about sensuality?   How does sensuality weigh in? What is sensuality? I searched through…

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