well·ness noun the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. What does “Wellness” look like to you?  As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, feel free to meditate on wellness.    What conscious, deliberate, carefully weighed and intentional efforts are you…

Stressed out and hungry?  When we feel threatened or stressed, our neuroendocrine system kicks into high gear and releases a series of hormones. One of these is Cortisol, which gives us the biochemical strength we need to fight or flee our stressors. Back in evolutionary times, this served us well. We needed to replenish our…

How often do you weigh yourself?  Does the number freak you out?  If it’s up, do you eat (more)?  If it’s down, do you eat (more)?  What to do? Giving up is not an option.  Nor is freaking out. Here’s some information from Our Lady of Weight Loss that puts a positive and happy spin…

People tell me, “I don’t have the time to … “… go to the store and pick up fruits and vegetables. “… exercise.”  “… sit and breathe.” “… to be positive.” Really?  Too busy to be positive? Surely, you can clear a scant 30 seconds to do something positive for yourself, can’t you? If thinking…

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