Yesterday, I woke up.  Yes, presumably a good way to begin the day!  BUT, I was immediately met with the DRILLING! “They” were breaking up and tarring the streets.   The noise level, I am willing to bet, was close to 85 dB (sound pressure level) that can cause NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss).  Seriously! Even with…

Good Day Tushkateers!!!  It is officially summer.  Not so much because the summer solstice has come and gone; not so much because Memorial Day and July 4 have come and gone, but because this morning I woke up and declared it to be SUMMER and in so doing decided to pretend that I am in…

Disappointment: The feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations. While speaking to clients this week, the word ‘disappointment’ reared its head on several occasions. “I am disappointed that I only lost 3/4 of pound this week.” “I am disappointed in myself; I gave into the Cannoli.” We talked…

My friend, Tammy, told me that one summer, when she was a kid, she went to marine biology camp. And …  while wearing rubber hip boots, she got stuck in the mud. The more she struggled to pull herself out, the deeper she sank! Her instructor told her to do something different. He said, “Lie…

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