What does Groundhog Day have to do with weight loss? Our Lady of Weight Loss says, "All roads lead to weight loss!" If the winter is getting you down, you might eat! If you are longing for spring, you might make an extra trip to the fridge. If it's grey outside and/or snowing, you may…

What do you think might happen if you placed a fridge on your refrigerator door? Do you think that it would deter you from opening it? If you were to hang mirrors in strategic locations in your home, do you think it would reflect your body and reinforce your resolve to change your image? Do…

While we may not be battling anorexia, let us pause and consider how obsessed we are - individually and collectively - with the idea of excess pounds. And as we form our list of resolutions for 2011, let's consider taking 'weight loss' off our list and perhaps replacing it with 'balance, health and harmony.'

With the advent of electricity, we have created an artificial light that reaches far into the winter nights; thus, allowing us to stay up later than we should and keeping us working harder than we ought to. We don't allow ourselves time to rest and renew. Nor do we allow ourselves time to let our…

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