This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss Puzzle, “Cupcake Mandala,” was inspired by the mandala, a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe. Loosely translated, “mandala,” a Sanskrit word means “circle.”  It represents wholeness.  It is a diagram that reminds us of our relationship to the infinite; to both the material and non-material realities. The…

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” ~ W.M. Lewis Hello Tushkateers!   Before we move into this week’s KITT Club e-letter, allow me first to share a heartfelt “thank you” with all who sent sympathy emails and FB posts, to those who…

For death is but a passing phase of Life; A change of dress, a disrobing; A birth into the unborn again; A commencing where we ended; A starting where we stopped to rest; A crossroad of Eternity; A giving up of something, to possess all things. The end of the unreal, the beginning of the…

This morning, as I lie in bed, contemplating what the next few days might bring forth on all planes–physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually–what the days could look like, I begin to wonder how I could possibly best manage to “enjoy” them. As I contemplate how to cope with moving my mother from hospital to hospice, the…

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