Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss,   I just turned 60.  After ten years of lifting weights and lots of walking, I let myself “go,” as in I am out of shape.  And, sadly, the weight that I worked so hard to remove is finding its way back. I tried to get back into the exercise…

Want a Quick Fix?  Of course, you do!  Who doesn’t?  For Weight Loss?  Creativity?  A quick fix for any thing that you seemingly have to work hard to achieve?  Today, as in right now, I do have a quick fix to share with you followed by six steps to help you cement the “quick fix”…

A most excellent “Coach Yourself Happy” question from Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, Weight Loss Expert (that’s me) to kick start this kick tush week:   If you were to “Delight in All Aspects of Creation,” which creations would you specifically delight in that you would not ordinarily take delight in? As you click through…

Dearest Tushkateers!  My head is spinning.   Today is the 15th of October!  Halloween, Day of the Dead, and the rest of the fully loaded holidays are right around the corner!  Hard to believe, but there it is.  The calendar doesn’t lie!  So,I’m thinking that it’s time to start tossing holiday tips your weigh! Today–as…

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