This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, “The Soul has Illusions…” gives us something to chew on. An illusion is something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. Our Lady of Weight Loss wonders, “Just how many ‘food illusions’ do we entertain throughout the day?” As you click through, “The…

The Journal of the American Medical Association tells us that writing about stressful situations, stressful life events, even the stressors of daily living helps to reduce symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. This is just one study in a growing body of evidence that shows the mental and emotional health are linked to physical well-being.…

Greetings, Hello, Hola, Que Pasa Tushkateers!?!  I know, I know…I wasn’t going to send out the BIG Tuesday Kick in the Tush again till after Labor Day weekend ’cause I’m on a vacation of sorts (vacation from doing too much–determined to just hang out, float, look for mountain lions, et cetera), but this morning, while…

It takes a lot of energy for a person to stay stuck, to keep a problem firmly alive and in place. How have you managed to so effectively stay stuck? People say, “No matter what I do, I can’t lose weight.”  If this rings true for you, if this sounds like something you might say,…

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