Howdy Tushkateers one n’ all! It’s 8:30 a.m. and I have already – this morning, in record breaking time – logged in a mammography – better known in this house as a mamme-O-gram.  My mother-in-law (may she rest in peace); she who died while talking to me on the telephone five years back (I kid…

I’ve been thinking.  Can you smell the wood burning?  (Something my father used to say.)   Yes, I’ve been thinking about resolutions and why it is that so many people start out on fire but ultimately  fail to reach their goals. Why is it that enthusiasm and motivation tend to wax and wane right out the…

Whether you are into setting resolutions or not, there is a certain wave of energy that comes with the New Year.  It is a powerful energy that presents itself to you for its unmasking. And in this unmasking, you will find that an opportunity exists to clear your slate, create a new mental state, and…

Are you a ‘Food Addict?’  Is your weight stopping you from moving forward?  Please take an honest look at the following questions and answer, ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ 1. Do you find that you have no ‘stopping mechanism’ and even though you want to ‘stop’ eating, you can’t? 2. Are you obsessed with food? Think about…

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