Your very first step toward creating a better tomorrow, your best life, is developing the capacity to picture it.  This vision will ignite a fire of passion, which will fuel your pledge to do whatever it takes to manifest your dream. When we envision our compelling future, we take action. Our imagination, our vision has…

Honestly, I really do believe one of the reasons that I’ve been able to “not find” those 50 pounds I “lost” over 11 years ago, is because I put a great deal of emphasis and effort into having fun, playing and doing things that are pleasurable. Therefore, when I work with people, one-on-one or in…

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body.  It is an inner view of our outer self.   It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions.  It is ever-shifting.  Our body esteem not only depends upon our size pants, what the number registers on the ‘scales of injustice;’…

Insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein Tushkateers!  Howdy, Hi there, Hey, Hello …. How are you on this fine February morning (afternoon or evening)?  Just swell?  Ready to stop the insanity? Switch gears, try a new path, find a fun and exciting way to weigh…

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