Sometimes unseen forces zap our energy, nibble away at our resolve and either send us on an unfortunate detour or stop us entirely in our tracks, moving us away from manifesting our goals.  These “things” are not obvious to the conscious mind, but they are computed and picked up by our unconscious, and they do…

The concept of earthing, a.k.a. grounding, is in simplest terms, waking barefoot.  And, in doing so you ground yourself to the earth, whose energy can help you to live a healthier and therefore happier life. On an intuitive level, it makes sense, yes?  After all, walking barefoot feels good.  Your skin is a very good…

With love, appreciation and deepest gratitude for your faithful friendship, Our Lady of Weight Loss and I wish you the very best in 2013, AND we invite you to …       … Dream with Your Feet, bust a move, get your groove on, and … dance to the music!       … Light a Candle, and…

The doom-and-gloom-sayers, the end-of-the-world folk are predicting that the world will indeed end tomorrow, December 21, 2012, presumably prophesized by the Mayan calendar.  How will it end?  Will we fall into a black hole, will a monstrous asteroid hit the planet spinning us off our axis? Will aliens land and takeover, like they attempted to…

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