You are Getting Sleepy Report – A recent study conducted by the Harvard Women’s Health Watch reports that sleep difficulties visit 75% of us at least a few nights per week. A short-lived bout of insomnia is nothing to worry about. The larger concern is for those who suffer from chronic sleep loss, because they…

It is our habit, our way of being, to quickly get accustomed to pleasant circumstances and the positive feelings that accompany those happy happenings.  Us human beings–you and me, yup all of us–are wired to seek newness, freshness, novelty. Think about it.  Are we not always on the hunt for change, something better?  Do we…

Mysterious and magical things happen when we open our hearts and minds; when we see life “as it is;” as it truly is, without judgment, without surrender or resignation, without running away from, without story. Let go of the fight.  Simply be the observer of what is. Recognize, harmonize, be in accord, fall together, happen…

When was the last time you had a side-splitting belly laugh?  A tear inducing, stomach aching, diaphragm exercising laugh?  I can tell you when I did, for sure, because I was ever so grateful for it, into it, aware of it and one with it! It was a mere 10 days ago.  I was floating…

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