This week’s Get Jiggy WEIGHT LOSS JigSaw Puzzle, “The Hummingbird Miracle,” is being transmitted from 35,000 feet high into the sky!  (I am on my way home! Woo Hoo!!) And yes, today’s technology is nothing short of a miracle; as are hummingbirds, who are able to fly forwards, backwards, up, down, sideways and are able…

I telephone my mother.  Between sobs and screams, she gasps for air and says, “Come! Now! I need you.” I ask, “Are you dying?” This may seem callous, or even funny, but it is actually a good question, a fair question that cuts to the chase, and there is a back-story. Some five years ago,…

We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will.  Incredible.  The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one.  Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts. ~ Ray Bradbury Happy Tuesday Day Tushkateers and Earthings alike!!!  Are you in search of…

Given the messiness of life, the ups n’ downs, and our tendency to respond by eating, I am today sharing Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Top 10 Happiness Centered Weight Loss Tips, ‘happiness centered’ being the operative words.  We manifest what we focus on, so let’s focus on a happiness centered life! Ten Tips to…

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